The Internet should simplify reaching customers. But most SMEs seem to struggle to use the Internet effectively. Investing in digital advertising seems necessary, but not all small businesses can afford to do so. The solution is to learn the secrets of effective content marketing. Here are seven practical ways to boost up content marketing.
#1. Plans Are Crucial
If you want your content to work, you’ll need to have a plan. It starts with setting goals and finding the right audience. Be realistic with your goals and make sure they are appropriate for the size of your business. They also need to be linked to your overall business goals and meet the needs of your industry. Then research your target audience and find out what they like and enjoy. If you have enough knowledge and resources, you can create consumer personas to address better the pains and interests of the different types of people in your broader target audience. Your audience can also help you determine the best tone for your content and where to post it. Have you ever wondered where to publish? Many people forget about the channels they use to develop their online presence. Your plan should include what media you will use, what content you’ll publish, and when you’ll post it.
#2. Content Calendar Management
Once you’ve identified your target audience and know where you want to reach them, remember that the frequency of posts is different for each channel. For example, on Facebook, you may get a good response with one post per day, while on Twitter, you may need several tweets per day. The content calendar is an anchor for your content with a focus on quality. It also helps you avoid repetition by giving you an up-to-date overview of what you’ve already published. In short, a content calendar allows you to do these essential things:
- Know your content.
- Make an editorial overview of what you have published in the past and what you’ll post in the future.
- Plan dates and times for publication.
Visiting random outlets is no guarantee of content. It would be best if you focused on your industry and what you have to offer. Even if users like random things, they should be relevant to your brand. The fundamental element of content is that it should always inform your audience and help solve problems. You can use analytics tools like Facebook Insights and Google Analytics to check your bounce rate. The longer someone stays on a post, the more likely they are to like the content.
#3. Don’t Go Overboard with Metrics!
Even poor-quality content can harm your SEO efforts. SEO is essential, but it shouldn’t always be your driving force. If you use keywords that disrupt the reading experience, you will lose followers. Keywords are an important tool. But if keywords are misused or too many of them on your blog, they lead to monotony, poor grammar, and an unpleasant reading experience. Use one or two well-supported keywords instead of stuffing your content with keywords. Ensure you use meta descriptions, file names, and ALT tags to improve SEO for videos and images.
#4. Create New Content
It’s all too easy to let content marketing fall by the wayside. Every post you create helps build your presence and gain more followers. It takes engagement to build momentum. Just because your followers and visitors are increasing doesn’t mean you can stop publishing new content. Nurture your existing supporters while trying to attract new ones. A static social media page or blog will quickly lose its followers. You need to stick with it and use a calendar to guide you and remind you when to publish. If you’re short on ideas, content from industry leaders can give you valuable access to the latest trends in new or hot topics. Even if you’re running out of ideas, keeping up to date with industry news can help you stay on top of your game.
#5. Don’t Only Post for the Sake of Being Active!
Never give in to the pressure to write often. It’s easy to say you have to publish five times a day to get noticed. But if what you’re posting isn’t helpful to your followers and readers, they’re likely to stop engaging with your brand. You should always prioritize quality over quantity.
#6. Mix Up Your Content
Many businesses fall into the trap of thinking that content is just words. Content should be mixed with images, videos, and text. Mixing your content increases engagement and encourages people to follow you. This is even more important when you have a more diverse audience. Content extends beyond blogs and vlogs. Think about:
- Case Studies
- Infographic
- White papers
- E-books
- Interviews with customers or industry leaders
- Checklists
- Memes
- Social Media
#7. Try to Keep Track of What You Post
When editing the content you post, it’s a good idea to monitor your efforts. Look at the content that gets the most views, shares, and likes to see what formula works best for you. Go beyond the basic requirements and look at videos before text or images. Instead, always look for patterns when following a lead. You can also notice these patterns in less obvious places, such as in the titles of your blogs. Every little observation will help you get the information you need to improve your content constantly.
Need help with your content marketing? Synepsis Consulting is right here to lend a helping hand! With their team of experts, they’ll find practical solutions to help you reach your business goals. They can also digitize all your documents with ECM.
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