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Health Benefits of Drinking Beer

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I am sure that you probably drink beer to have a great time with your friends, spurring some of your greatest stories or just to bring out the dancer in you. However, the science gods have now spoken and it has been proved that drinking beer in moderation is actually good for your health.

How much does moderation drinking entail?

Even though there is an exact amount of alcohol which is allowed, it also depends on a person’s tolerance level and physical makeup. But according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, having a moderate drink means one drink per day for a man and up to two drinks per day for women.

Below are some facts about why you should not feel bad when you crack open a cold beer after a long stressful day :

1. Beer is good for the heart

According to several studies which have been conducted it has been proved that the consumption of beer could reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. It is all because beer has a thinning effect on blood and it reduces the chances of clot-forming which can cause a blockage in the coronary artery. It also reduces the risk of inflammation which can cause atherosclerosis.

2. Beer helps in losing weight

According to a study conducted by Oregon State University, there is a chemical called xanthohumol in beer which helps when you are trying to shed those extra pounds and control your cholesterol levels.

3. Beer improves cholesterol level

We all need some lipoprotein which is the good type of cholesterol in our bodies as they help to prevent plaque buildup in the arteries. Beer also has high amounts of fiber which helps reduce the levels of LDL cholesterol which is the bad type of cholesterol.

4. Beer promotes better bowel movement

One bottle of beer contains around 20 percent of the fiber which your body needs for a better bowel movement every day. It benefits a lot for people who suffer from constipation.

5. Beer decreases the risk of cancer

There is an antioxidant called xanthohumol which helps the prevention of cancer as it also contains polyphenols which play a major role during the treatment of cancer patients.

6. Beer boosts mental health

Studies have proved that having beer can protect your brain against neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Drinking beer also increases your dopamine level in your brain which makes you feel more relaxed and calm.

7. Beer helps in improving eyesight

According to the University of Western Ontario, a beer a day minimize people’s chance of developing a cataract as it contains enzymes and antioxidants which protect the eyes by preventing mitochondrial damage.

8. Beer reduces the risk of diabetes

A study done by Harvard has found out that people who drink beer regularly have fewer chances of developing type-2 diabetes.

9. Beer reduces the risk of developing kidney stones

Water is the most powerful tool for the prevention of kidney stones and having a beer is a great idea to prevent these stones from forming as 90 percent of beer is water. Beer also contains potassium and magnesium which help to prevent the development of kidney stones. Having a bottle of beer every day can reduce the risk by 40 percent.

10. Beer helps in the development of healthier bones

If you didn’t know, let me tell you that beer is rich in dietary silicone which contributes to a higher bone density and it also minimizes the risk of osteoporosis.

11. Beer increases Vitamin B levels

A medical journal named The Lancet has mentioned that beer contains Vitamin B6 which is great for the prevention of heart disease as it keeps a check on the formation of homocysteine in the body.

12. Beer cures insomnia

For people who suffer from insomnia, beer contains Lactoflavin and nicotinic acid which can help to promote sleep. Have a beer and sleep soundly like a baby.

13. Beer has positive effects on the skin and hair

Beer contains a lot of vitamins which is beneficial for your skin as it reduces acne and adds a glow to the skin. Hops and malt found in beer also helps in promoting the healthy growth of hair.

14. Beer delays aging and promote longevity

Nowadays, no one really likes to look old however the good news is that Vitamin E which is found in beer acts like an antioxidant which helps to keep the skin healthy while slowing down the aging process.

15. Beer flushes out toxins from the body

Beer has precious diuretic properties which increase urination thus facilitating increased removal of toxins from the body.

16. Beer helps reduce stress

Two glasses of beer a day can reduce work-related stress or anxiety. However, too much alcohol consumption on a daily basis can do more harm than good.

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