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The Ultimate Pet Poop Removal Solution in Jacksonville!

The Ultimate Pet Poop Removal Solution in Jacksonville!
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Is it from small omissions?

A small omission – pee or dog or cat poo – can happen very quickly! If it is occasional, there is nothing to worry about. Except to check that the cat’s crate is well cleaned, that the dog is sufficiently out, etc.; also, be sure that uncleanliness is not the result of a behavioral or health problem.

A small omission in the house: expect it and don’t panic! The cat is generally clean and quickly understands that it has a crate. As soon as its litter box is suitable, that it is placed in a quiet place, and it is regularly maintained, the cat will relieve itself in it.

Is it a behavioral disorder?

If your dog is suffering from a problem and that the omissions – markings, stains, etc. – are repeated, it will be necessary to consult the veterinarian. A disease or behavioral disorder may be the cause. Don’t panic; this can be “cured” and usually covered by animal health insurance.

For dogs, toilet training can take longer than for cats, and it is not a question of the breed. When the little accident happens, you have to clean it up. But not just in any way! 

Don’t put bleach in the cat’s litter box!

It is not appropriate to clean using bleach or ammonia (nor in dogs either!). Bleah and ammonia can “amplify” the smell and “stimulate” the marking reflex in animals. So, you might get the opposite effect to the one you want! And this is not without danger for the animal.

Indeed, using bleach to clean the cat’s litter box, or even to put some inside the box after changing it, can be harmful to the cat’s health. The combination of ammonia (urine) and bleach is a toxic and irritating gas called chlorine. It attacks the respiratory tract, eyes, and skin; therefore, this gas can be dangerous for your pet in a confined atmosphere.

Therefore, a good rinse with lukewarm water before putting “new” litter at the cat’s disposal is recommended.

Nevertheless, a “drop of the litter” from cats – and dogs – can leave an odor… and worse, a trace!

Favor “natural” products

You can initially, for cleaning, use many “natural” products: sparkling water, white vinegar (ideal, the latter is increasingly popular because it disinfects and deodorizes), lemon juice, household alcohol, baking soda, soda crystals, Terre de Sommières, dishwashing liquid… but avoid ammoniated or bleached products.

Grandma’s remedies for cleaning pet poop

The Internet sites allow you to find many tips and “Grandma’s remedies” to get rid of stains following a pee or a dog or cat droppings. Whether on the floor (parquet floor, porous tiles, linoleum, carpets…) and leather sofas (in this case, we can find tips using the milky make-up remover creams that we use for our face. A steam cleaner will also help to get rid of the most stubborn stains.

The most important thing to remove a stain is to remove as much of it as possible and dab the soiled area with sparkling water before wiping it with absorbent paper. Then proceed with the actual cleaning. With a little elbow grease! And using natural products as much as possible.

Do you have “infallible,” “miracle,” “revolutionary,” and straightforward tricks to remove stains after your dog or cat has left its poop on your veranda? Remember to share them in the section below!

Coming to the ultimate solution, if you don’t want to do the dirty work, this should not be a problem. First Coast Scoopers can keep your yard cleaner, safer for your pets, your family, and your beautiful shoes. That is to say, you will less likely walk on poop!

You can check out their website for pet waste cleanup in Jacksonville here.


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