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Fun Family Traditions to start as from Today

Fun Family Traditions to start as from Today
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Interested in creating new family traditions to strengthen your family bond? Here are a few you might consider!

1. Secret Handshake

Secrets handshakes have been invented to distinguish members. When it comes to families, secret handshakes can be used to pass on code messages. It is like concocting your own secret language which only family members would understand.

2.Guess who

This is a game which can have a pleasant effect during a family gathering. Take out pieces of paper and write down things which you like about your favorite family member. Choose one person to select and read the piece of paper while the others try to guess which member they are referring to. In that way, the positive things written on the paper makes everyone happy about themselves.

3. Happiness Jar

Write down every special memory which made your heart overwhelmed during family time. Drop the paper in a Jar. Whenever any of you feels low, grab a piece of the happiness jar and feel grateful for your wonderful family around you.

4. Mornings in bed

Choose a morning between Saturday and Sunday to spend some time in bed with your family. Try having breakfast in bed with some cookies and milk. Taking a few minutes to relax and spend time with your family is a great way to have a great weekend.

5. Movie / Game night

Let a different family member choose a movie or game each week. This tradition makes every family member feel important.

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