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7 Good Reasons to Become a Locavore

7 Good Reasons to Become a Locavore
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7 Good Reasons to Become a Locavore

Locavore? What is it again? A new diet? No, relax; becoming a locavore is simple. It consists of eating only food less than 200 km from home. A step that is beneficial on many levels!

Save up to $140

The margins of distributors and merchants on food products are constantly increasing. This margin can reach 50% of the public sale price of the product.

You no longer pay for distribution and marketing if you buy from the producer.

Good to know: a vegetable garden can provide up to 50 kg of fruits and vegetables per year.

Save small farms

Crushed by the low prices of mass distribution, farmers are juggling with an increasingly limited budget. Few of them earn a decent salary at the end of the month, and some fighting for ecological exploitation end up turning to pesticides.

    – Selling directly to individuals is a much more profitable source of income.

    – Word of mouth is the best form of advertising!

Good to know: ask about networks of small producers such as the CSA (a system that allows you to subscribe to the harvest of a group of farms, bringing producers and consumers closer together within the food system).

Eat better


Food plays an essential role in our health, and poor eating habits cause many daily ailments.

Organic, unprocessed fruits and vegetables provide the minerals, vitamins, and trace elements necessary for the body’s well-being. Moreover, fresh food, produced without pesticides or GMOs, reduces the risks of serious diseases and cancers.

Give good reflexes to your children

Milking cows and harvesting vegetables and fruits are not outdated clichés, but in our increasingly urban life, some children are unaware of all this.

You can therefore take the whole family to the farm to meet the producer with whom you are involved. He will be happy to show you his work, and you will leave with a basket to cook yourself.

Good to know: eating poorly affects sleep patterns… is becoming locavore the solution for unruly children?

Preserve the ecosystem


Every day, thousands of trucks, boats, trains, or planes travel hundreds of kilometers to fill your plates.

The hydrocarbons used by these means of transportation are responsible for carbon dioxide emission, which, in excess, is harmful to the ecosystem.

    – To serve a steak and French fries, you will have to count on CO2 emission of about 5.6 kg in the atmosphere.

    – Within 200 km of your home, you will undoubtedly find a producer. So why look so far?

Good to know: against intensive agriculture and intensive construction responsible for deforestation, it is advisable to support diversified local agriculture.

Creating social links

The return to fundamental values also involves mutual aid and sharing. The locavore frequently dialogues with his neighbors:

    – to offer the surplus harvest of his vegetable garden;

    – to practice carpooling to the farm to reduce carbon emissions;

    – to do favors.

Living with the rhythm of the seasons

A tomato will taste weak and look mealy in December. On the other hand, fresh mushrooms are delicious in autumn!

The calendar of the vegetable garden intervenes directly in the kitchen. Respecting the seasons allows you to obtain the following:

    – better tasting fruits and vegetables;

    – cheaper food;

    – food without preservatives.

Read more: What is a Typical Locavore Week?

Therefore, the benefits of being a locavore include reducing carbon footprint, helping the environment, and supporting local farmers. If you have decided to become a locavore, eat organic, respect the seasons, or produce a small vegetable garden, share your experience with us in the section below.

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