With the pandemic nowhere to end, the health, income, education, and ability to travel has come to a certain halt. No one has been spared in this global pandemic. So please excuse yourself if you have an occasional meltdown. It’s understandable given the circumstances. We don’t know how long it will last or what the outcome will be. All we can manage is how we react and learn to take each day as it comes.
Practice gratitude every day. An enthusiastic and grateful approach is the key to improving unhappy circumstances. Start each day by being grateful; for waking up for having a roof over your head, running water, electricity, your health, your family, and friends. Moments like this often bring out the best in people, so be thankful for the people who check on you, for the opportunities you have to walk each day, to slow down, to spend time with your family. Okay, this is a difficult situation, but you can make it better by enjoying the good things in your life.
Take care of yourself. That way, others won’t have to worry about you, and you’ll be better able to take care of those who need your attention. Taking care of yourself requires both mental and physical stimulation, so reading, playing, working, studying, and exercising are an essential part of your commitment to yourself. It is also important to get enough sleep, not standing all day or sleeping too long.
Explore your options. Would this be an excellent opportunity to learn another language, refresh an existing skill, diversify? If you have free time, you could use it by studying and even training for a new interest or skill.
Help others. Those little gestures, the phone call, the bouquet on the doorstep, the “I’m thinking of you” greeting card can make all the difference in someone’s day. And when you buy necessities or go online for help, remember that small local businesses rely on your custom to survive.
Keep a routine. It’s hard when your everyday life has been disrupted, and unexpected worries and concerns have been added. But it helps when you re-establish some order in your life. Get up simultaneously, take a shower, put on clean clothes, and set specific times for work. Some people even make their children wear their school uniform, which helps them understand that this is not an extension of school vacations and that they need to do real school work!
Don’t allow children to dominate your life and take you for a ride. Start any way you want and introduce one of the tremendous online exercise classes to burn off some energy and have quiet times where they read, paint, do a few tasks or crafts, and give you some space.
Stay hydrated and eat healthily. It is important to maintain your fluid intake. Viruses grow in your mouth and throat, so drinking warm water regularly, perhaps with the addition of fresh lemon, ginger, and honey, can help keep your airways clear. Maintain a good diet, including eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Supermarkets do an excellent job of restocking frequently.
And manage your alcohol intake. When you’re fed up, it’s tempting to take the wine route, but it doesn’t help, and you’ll feel even worse afterward as if you were stocking up on cakes, cookies, and chocolates and stuffing your face in an afternoon!
Manage your time on social media and news sites. There is much false news, recalcitrant people, and hawkers feeding us dark prophecies, images, and statistics. Yes, register once or twice a day, but don’t let depressing information seep into your home and life regularly. Remember that you are in control!
Stay connected. Many groups use Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, Facebook to stay connected and support each other. Keep in touch with the people who are important in your life. Many businesses find significant and alternative ways to contact their customers and hold meetings and training sessions while you continue to work.
Stay positive. A right perspective and sense of humor are assets, especially now. Social media, when used properly, can help to lighten the mood. When you dive into it and see the fun and imaginative ways people respond to simple themes or news, it can brighten the day. Or laughing at your unfortunate attempts to cook, do crafts, or make something can keep the atmosphere light.